
BoldSmallThe London & South-East Branch of the Clarsach Society is one of the branches of the Clarsach Society, a charity whose main aim is to promote the clarsach (or lever harp) and its music in Scotland and in the wider world harp community, and which organises the Edinburgh Harp Festival every spring.

Our branch covers the area approximately from Norfolk down to Sussex, and from Hampshire across to Kent, and also includes Birmingham.  However anyone may join the branch, regardless of where they live.

The branch has a number of harps for hire (lever harps only, for a minimum hire period of 3 months). We can help you find a teacher; keep you informed of events in the harp world, and put you in touch with other harp players.  We organise workshops, local groups and courses.  To join the branch, go to the membership page of the Clarsach Society.

We also have a presence on Facebook.

The purpose of this website is to describe the aims and activities of the London & South-East branch of the Clarsach Society, to provide a guide to events and resources within the harp community, and provide information that may be useful to someone thinking of learning to play the lever harp.  The existence of links to external websites should not necessarily be taken as constituting a recommendation to that material or the services provided by those websites.

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